CSC236, Fall 2014, Assignments

Academic integrity: Our university, including you, is a community of scholars. That means we share ideas here, and we have to do so in a responsible manner. A key ingredient is to always give generous, detailed, credit to others whose work you use, and never attempt to pass off somebody else's work as your own. Assignments and tests are meant to be the work of their authors, either individually (in the case of tests and quizzes), or in teams of up to three persons currently enrolled in CSC236 (in the case of assignments). Here are tips to avoid passing off others' work as your own, or (just as bad) having your work passed of as somebody else's.

Assigment 0. Submit a PDF file a0.pdf via MarkUs, which will be accepting submissions starting next Monday. Your file must be produced using a word processor or editor that exports files in PDF format (no scanned handwriting accepted).

Assignment 1. Submit a PDF file a1.pdf via MarkUs. Your file must be produced using a word processor or editor that exports files in PDF format (no scanned handwriting accepted).

Assignment 2. Submit a PDF file a2.pdf via MarkUs. Your file must be produced using a word processor or editor that exports files in PDF format (no scanned handwriting accepted).