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a) What is an absolute path name for inode 8?

Answer: /usr/ajr/hello.c

b) If we execute the command mkdir /usr/sally , and the newly created directory is inode 9, what is changed in the table above? Make the changes in place in the table, by striking out any removed information and writing in added information.

Answer: (additions in bold)

inode numberis directory?contents
2D"." 2, ".." 2, "bin" 3, "usr" 4, "vmunix" 5
3D"." 3, ".." 2, "sh" 6
4D"." 4, ".." 2, "ajr" 7 , "sally" 9
5 unix kernel machine code
6 machine code for sh
7D"." 7, ".." 4, "hello.c" 8
8 #include <stdio.h> int main(){print("Hello\n");return(0);}
9 "." 9, ".." 4

c) [1 mark] What is another absolute path name for inode 8, different from your part 'a' answer?

There are many possible answers. Here are some:

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