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Assignment two questions and answers

Here are some questions and answers about assignment two, and other notes. Suggestions for additions to this list are welcome (e.g. via e-mail).

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Most of all, remember to "Keep It Simple". |+|
Some resources: |+|
More general advice: |+|
Don't type "vigenere cipher in C" into Google. |+|
In general, don't check whether operations will succeed; |+|
The assignment handout does not necessarily specify all of the details of the required behaviour of your programs in all cases. |+|
I am happy to interpret compiler error messages (for CSC 209 students). |+|
Q: When I compile my program (any one of the three) I get the following warning |+|
Standard indentation is required in your C programs. |+|
Your program must not exceed array bounds no matter what the user input (or command-line arguments). |+|
Q: Can I put some functions in a separate .c file and submit that too? |+|
Q: How do you print to the standard error? |+|
Q: If one of the files or directories specified on the command line cannot be opened, should we exit immediately or |+|
The return type of getchar() and getc() is int, not char, and you can't store it in a char variable. |+|
Q: What is the difference between using fopen(), getc() or fgets() or fscanf(), then fclose(); as opposed to using open(), read(), and close()? |+|
C's "sizeof" operator does not give you the size of an array, in general. |+|
Q: Various segfault or bus error problems ("Segmentation exception" or "Bus error"). |+|
Various getopt() questions: |+|
Q: "findempty" takes no command-line options. So if the user does "./findempty −q", is that an error? |+|
Q: In crypt, do we need to deal with the special case of a command-line argument of "−"? |+|
Q: Do we need to include comments in our code? |+|
crypt always outputs to stdout, whether its input is from stdin or from one or more files whose names are specified on the command line. |+|
Assuming maximum path lengths: |+|
Q: Does crypt have to store the entire input file so as to be able to |+|
Q: How does crypt detect whether its standard input is a file or a terminal? |+|
An example of reading a directory with opendir() / readdir() / closedir() |+|
Q: What is a DIR* ? (the return value from opendir()) |+|
Q: What's the difference between stat() and lstat()? |+|
Q: Why do you have to skip "." and ".." in the findempty recursion? |+|
Q: What should the exit statuses of all of the programs be? What's 0, 1, and 2? |+|
Note the two options for how you interpret the command-line key in crypt: |+|
Q: What does it mean that "a chdir() in processing the first directory may invalidate |+|
Q: Why am I not allowed to use ftw() or fts() to write findempty? |+|
Q: Should I use realpath() or getcwd() to find the path name for a directory/file? |+|