CSC120H Fall 2018: Tests

Final Exam

  • Format details:
  • What you need to know:
  • Past Exams

    Note: There are a few past exams for CSC120, along with some from CSC108 that have similar material (do not do the questions about sorting algorthims or runtime complexity). The CS120 exams do not have solutions, but you can crowd source solutions on Piazza!
    For some problems, there may be more than one correct solution. Older exams have type contracts written slightly differently. In our midterm, you must use the correct formatting for type contracts as we've used in class.
    Remember that like the midterm, our exam will not necessarily have the same format as the previous terms, and you should follow the style and coding guidlines taught in our course, not in the past exams.

    Our Midterm

    About the Midterm

    Midterm Help Page

    Here is the list of function/method descriptions that will be provided on the test.

    Past Midterm Tests

    Note: The past midterms below are for CSC108, another introductory programming course. However, the first part of CSC120 is similar to CSC108, and so these past midterms are sufficient to study for our midterm.

    A word of advice: study first without looking at the solutions. Remember, you won't have solutions to refer to during the test - make sure you focus on how to solve each problem, rather than just what the answer is.

    Note: These solutions were not formatted for posting and may contain small errors that previous instructors didn't fix in the files. For some problems, there may be more than one correct solution. Exams prior to 2017 have type contracts written slightly differently. In our midterm, you must use the correct formatting for type contracts as we've used in class. If you have questions about solutions, please ask on Piazza.