CSC384 -- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Summer 2020

Assignment 3: Game Tree Search

A3 Help Sessions

We will be conducting several sessions where students can get one-on-one help with their assignments, or just hang out and listen to others' questions. Information about these will be posted below. These will be posted below.

Help sessions for A3 will take place on BB Collaborate. At help sessions with Parsa, you can also prepare for the games quiz (on the 16th).

Specification of the Assignment

In this assignment, you will be implementing Riversi (aka Othello) using the Minimax and Alpha-Beta pruning algorithms. You will also experiment with techniques to improve the speed of search (e.g. state caching and node ordering). In addition, you have the opportunity to engineer your own game heursitics and compete with others, if you want. You may also optionally implement Monte Carlo Tree search for some extra credit. You must use the local software and assignment as described below.

Assignment 3 Handout (posted June 22, updated July 5)

The following zip files are part of the A3 specification:

Othello Competition/MCTS Details

If you are interested in working on an (optional) MCTS implementation, this tutorial (from the A3 TA!) may be of use.

MCTS implementations and competition entries will be accepted until August 17; you can submit these via MarkUs.

Please name your MCTS implementation

Please name the agent that you would like to see compete

where YourID is your teach.cs ID.

Note that if you want your MCTS agent to be the one that competes, you can submit the same code with 2 names!! If, moreover, you want to submit an MCTS agent that does NOT complete, that's a o k too. Just submit the agent_mcts in this case, and you're good to go.

Important: It's your responsibility to monitor the A3 Clarifications Page for any clarifications or corrections.

The A3 TAs, Parsa and Hongkai, are available via Piazza for questions concering the assignment. If you have a question of a personal nature, please email Hongkai at chk at cs dot utoronto dot edu, or one of the instructors, placing A3 and 384 in the subject header of your message.