CSC384 -- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Summer 2020

Assignment 1: Search

A1 Help Sessions

We will be conducting several sessions and a code review where students can get one-on-one help with their assignments, or just hang out and listen to others' questions. Dates and times for these sessions will be posted here; stay tuned!

Specification of the Assignment

Assignment 1 Handout:
Assignment 1 Handout (posted May 25) Due: Tues, June 9, 10:00 PM.

The following zip files are part of the A1 specification:

Important: It's your responsibility to monitor the A1 Clarifications Page for any clarifications or corrections.

The A1 TA, Sam Motamed, is available via Piazza for questions concering the assignment. If you have a question of a personal nature, please email Sam at sam dot motamed at mail dot utoronto dot ca or Sonya, placing A1 and CSC384 in the subject header of your message.