\( \newcommand{\NOT}{\neg} \newcommand{\AND}{\wedge} \newcommand{\OR}{\vee} \newcommand{\XOR}{\oplus} \newcommand{\IMP}{\Rightarrow} \newcommand{\IFF}{\Leftrightarrow} \newcommand{\TRUE}{\text{True}\xspace} \newcommand{\FALSE}{\text{False}\xspace} \newcommand{\IN}{\,{\in}\,} \newcommand{\NOTIN}{\,{\notin}\,} \newcommand{\TO}{\rightarrow} \newcommand{\DIV}{\mid} \newcommand{\NDIV}{\nmid} \newcommand{\MOD}[1]{\pmod{#1}} \newcommand{\MODS}[1]{\ (\text{mod}\ #1)} \newcommand{\N}{\mathbb N} \newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb Z} \newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb Q} \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R} \newcommand{\C}{\mathbb C} \newcommand{\cA}{\mathcal A} \newcommand{\cB}{\mathcal B} \newcommand{\cC}{\mathcal C} \newcommand{\cD}{\mathcal D} \newcommand{\cE}{\mathcal E} \newcommand{\cF}{\mathcal F} \newcommand{\cG}{\mathcal G} \newcommand{\cH}{\mathcal H} \newcommand{\cI}{\mathcal I} \newcommand{\cJ}{\mathcal J} \newcommand{\cL}{\mathcal L} \newcommand{\cK}{\mathcal K} \newcommand{\cN}{\mathcal N} \newcommand{\cO}{\mathcal O} \newcommand{\cP}{\mathcal P} \newcommand{\cQ}{\mathcal Q} \newcommand{\cS}{\mathcal S} \newcommand{\cT}{\mathcal T} \newcommand{\cV}{\mathcal V} \newcommand{\cW}{\mathcal W} \newcommand{\cZ}{\mathcal Z} \newcommand{\emp}{\emptyset} \newcommand{\bs}{\backslash} \newcommand{\floor}[1]{\left \lfloor #1 \right \rfloor} \newcommand{\ceil}[1]{\left \lceil #1 \right \rceil} \newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left | #1 \right |} \newcommand{\xspace}{} \newcommand{\proofheader}[1]{\underline{\textbf{#1}}} \)

13.2 Traversing Linked Lists

In the previous section, we created a LinkedList object with three items, and used the following expressions to access each item in turn:

>>> linky._first.item
>>> linky._first.next.item
>>> linky._first.next.next.item

This is, of course, a very cumbersome way of accessing list elements! In this section, we’ll study how to traverse a linked list: that is, how to write code that visits each element of a linked list one at a time, regardless of how long that linked list actually is. The structure of this code is quite general, so we will apply it to a bunch of different methods. This may seem repetitive, but linked list code is one of the most technically challenging and important parts of the course, so spend the time to master it!

Before we write code to traverse a linked list, let’s review how traversal might look for a Python list, using an index variable i to keep track of where we are in the list. The following code is written to be a nice lead-in to linked list traversal. But you know better ways of iterating through a list in Python!

i = 0
while i < len(my_list):
    ... do something with my_list[i] ...
    i = i + 1

This code snippet consists of four parts:

  1. Initialize the loop variable i to 0, referring to the starting index of the list.
  2. Check if we’ve reached the end of the list in the loop condition.
  3. In the loop, do something with the current element my_list[i].
  4. Increment the index loop variable.

This code takes advantage of the fact that Python already gives us a way to access individual list elements using the indexing operation ([i]). In a linked list, we don’t have this luxury, and so the major difference to this pattern is that we now use a loop variable to refer to the _Node object we’re currently on in the loop, rather than the current index. Other than this change, the steps are exactly the same!

curr = my_linked_list._first   # 1. Initialize curr to the start of the list.
while curr is not None:        # 2. curr is None if we've reached the end of the list.
    ... curr.item ...          # 3. Do something with the current *element*, curr.item.
    curr = curr.next           # 4. "Increment" curr, assigning it to the next node.

For example, here is a LinkedList method that prints out every item in a linked list.

class LinkedList:
    def print_items(self) -> None:
        """Print out each item in this linked list."""
        curr = self._first
        while curr is not None:
            print(curr.item)      # Note: this is the only line we needed to fill in!
            curr = curr.next

Let’s trace through the code on our example linked list from the previous section, as shown in the following memory model diagram:

Memory model diagram of a linked list

Suppose we call linky.print_items(). What happens?

  1. In the first line of the method body, curr = self._first, the loop variable curr is assigned to the first _Node in the linked list, with id3 from our diagram.
  2. Since curr is not None, the loop body executes.
    1. curr.item, which is 111, is printed.
    2. Then curr is reassigned to curr.next, which is the _Node with id20.
  3. Again, since curr is not None, the loop body executes.
    1. curr.item, which is -5, is printed.
    2. Then curr is reassigned to curr.next, which is the _Node with id30.
  4. Again, since curr is not None, the loop body executes.
    1. curr.item, which is 9000, is printed.
    2. Then curr is reassigned to curr.next, which is None (at id99).
  5. Since curr is None now, the while loop stops and the method ends.

Linked list traversal and loop accumulators

Here is a second LinkedList method that combines our linked list traversal pattern with the loop accumulation pattern we studied back in 5.4 For Loops. The “accumulation” part is code you’ve seen many times before, but now in the context of linked lists.

class LinkedList:
    def to_list(self) -> list:
        """Return a built-in Python list containing the items of this linked list.

        The items in this linked list appear in the same order in the returned list.
        items_so_far = []

        curr = self._first
        while curr is not None:
            curr = curr.next

        return items_so_far

So if we call linky.to_list() with our example linked list, [111, -5, 9000] is returned. In the next section, we’ll study how to implement the reverse: going from a built-in list to a linked list.

Reminder: how to use code templates

Just as we’ve seen with previous code templates like the loop accumulation pattern, the linked list traversal pattern is a good starting point for structuring your code when working with linked lists.

However, remember that all code templates are just a starting point! They are only meant to provide an overall code structure, and not to replace the hard work of actually thinking about how to write code. In other words, we use templates to make it easier to get started writing code.

Consider again our template for iterating through a linked list:

curr = self._first  # self is a LinkedList
while curr is not None:
    ... curr.item ...
    curr = curr.next

Whenever you’re starting to write code to iterate through a linked list, your first step should be to copy-and-paste this template into your code. But that’s the easy part; the next part involves the thinking required to fill in the ellipsis (...) and modify the template to suit your particular needs. As you progress through this course, you’ll get lots of practice with that!

Looping with an index

Now let’s consider a slightly different problem: indexing into a linked list, the equivalent of my_list[3]. Here is the header of the method we’ll implement: As you’ll recall from 10.10 The object Superclass, the double underscores in the name indicate that this is a special method, meaning __getitem__ serves some special purpose in Python. We’ll explain this at the end of this section.

class LinkedList:
    def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> Any:
        """Return the item stored at index i in this
        linked list.

        Raise an IndexError if index i is out of bounds.

            - i >= 0

We can start by using our linked list traversal pattern, with a second loop variable to keep track of our current index in the list:

class LinkedList:
    def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> Any:
        """Return the item stored at index i in this linked list.

        Raise an IndexError if index i is out of bounds.

            - i >= 0
        curr = self._first
        curr_index = 0

        while curr is not None:
            ... curr.item ...

            curr = curr.next
            curr_index = curr_index + 1

By updating curr and curr_index together, we get the following loop invariant:

curr refers to the node at index curr_index in the linked list.

Now, there are two ways of completing the implementation of this method. The first is to use an early return inside the loop, stopping as soon as we’ve reached the node at the given index i:

class LinkedList:
    def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> Any:
        # Version 1
        curr = self._first
        curr_index = 0

        while curr is not None:
            if curr_index == i:
                return curr.item

            curr = curr.next
            curr_index = curr_index + 1

        # If we've reached the end of the list and no item has been returned,
        # the given index is out of bounds.
        raise IndexError

This approach builds on our “early return” loop pattern, and keeps the code quite simple. However, in other cases we might want to stop the loop early but execute some more code before returning. To do this, we can use a second approach of modifying the while loop condition so that the loop stops when it either reaches the end of the list or the correct index.

Compound loop conditions (with more than one logical expression) can be a bit tricky to reason about, and often it is more intuitive to write the stopping condition first, and then negate it to get the loop condition. In our case, our stopping condition is:

With this in mind, let’s start a second implementation of LinkedList.__getitem__. We’ve written “not the stopping condition” in the while loop condition, and then an assert statement after the while loop to indicate what we know must be True when the loop ends.

class LinkedList:
    def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> Any:
        """... """
        # Version 2
        curr = self._first
        curr_index = 0

        while not (curr is None or curr_index == i):
            curr = curr.next
            curr_index = curr_index + 1

        # After the while loop ends, the stopping condition is True
        assert curr is None or curr_index == i

        ...  # How should we complete this?

Writing the condition’s negation as an explicit assert statement gives us insight into how to complete this method: we have two cases to consider, and can use an if statement to separate them out.

class LinkedList:
    def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> Any:
        """... """
        # Version 2
        curr = self._first
        curr_index = 0

        while not (curr is None or curr_index == i):
            curr = curr.next
            curr_index = curr_index + 1

        assert curr is None or curr_index == i
        if curr is None:
            # index is out of bounds
            raise IndexError
            # curr_index == i, so curr is the node at index i
            return curr.item

Our second version is certainly more complex than the first version, but please study both carefully! We want you to get comfortable writing while loops with compound conditions, as you will encounter these more in this course and beyond.

__getitem__ and list indexing expressions

Suppose we create a LinkedList object linky with the elements 111, -5, 9000. We can call our __getitem__ method using dot notation, as you would normally expect:

>>> linky.__getitem__(0)
>>> linky.__getitem__(1)
>>> linky.__getitem__(2)

However, the __getitem__ special method is also called automatically by the Python interpreter when we use square bracket notation for sequence indexing/dictionary key lookup. That means that we can use the following syntax to index into our LinkedList object, just as we would a Python list:

>>> linky[0]  # Calls linky.__getitem__(0)
>>> linky[1]  # Calls linky.__getitem__(1)
>>> linky[2]  # Calls linky.__getitem__(2)

Pretty amazing! We’ll see a few more examples throughout this course of using Python’s special methods to make our classes compatible with built-in Python syntax and functions.