CSC 165 2007S // Mathematical Expression and Reasoning for Computer Science

folding fractal


Welcome to the web site for the Summer 2007 term of CSC 165, Mathematical Expression and Reasoning for Computer Science. In this course we learn about communicating ideas to other computer scientists, and even to ourselves. Since any communication is full of opportunities for misunderstanding, we work at ways to make our communication as precise as possible. Here's how to find out more:

  • Here's a course information sheet. A paper copy is available on request.
  • Much of the communication in this course will be conducted through our course wiki. Use your CDF userid to log in, with your student number as password. For a few weeks you may log in as newcomer with password let_me_in. You may change to a more secure password by submitting a request to me in writing.
  • Here's a calendar of important events in this course.