This form must be filled in and submitted as a text file called "remark.txt" in MarkUs, under the relevant assignment, for example E1, A1, or SLOG. Do *not* use this for test re-marks. You have 7 days after receiving your grade to make this request. CSC 148H -- Winter 2014: REQUEST TO RE-MARK ============================================ Assignment/Test number: ___________ Date of request: ___________________ Remarking request (be concise and clear, use the reverse if needed): Please put an X beside the reason for the re-mark request: ___ I never received an autograding report, although I submitted my assignment on _____________________ (date you submitted work). ___ I have an autograding report, but I cannot see a grade on MarkUs. Please note that for Exercises the autograding report *is* your grade. ___ There has been an arithmetic error in calculating my mark, I believe I should have gotten _________ (grade) ___ The given marking scheme was not applied properly. Below are a list of sections where the scheme was not applied properly, with an explanation beside each: E.g.: I got a full 3/3 for commenting, even though I provided none!