Choosing Test Cases

Choosing tests for count_lowercase_vowels

def count_lowercase_vowels(s):
    """ (str) -> int
    Return the number of vowels (a, e, i, o, and u) in s.
    >>> count_lowercase_vowels('Happy Anniversary!')
    >>> count_lowercase_vowels('xyz')
    num_vowels = 0
    for char in s:
        if char in 'aeiou':		
            num_vowels = num_vowels + 1
	return num_vowels

To test count_lowercase_vowels, we need to:

It is not realistic to test using every single possible string argument. Instead, we create relevant categories, and choose one representative string argument from each category. To choose the string argument, consider:

There are many possible for string lengths. For this example, we'll consider strings that have these lengths:

Which characters should we use? For this example, we'll choose characters based on whether they are vowels or non-vowels. The actual character doesn't matter.
If we want a non-vowel, we could use 'b', 'n', '?', or any other character that is not a vowel.

We will make a table of the test cases with the following 3 columns:
s Expected Value Description
'' 0 empty string
'a' 1 single char, vowel
'b' 0 single char, non-vowel
'pfffft' 0 several chars, no vowels
'bandit' 2 several chars, some vowels
'aeioua' 6 several chars, all vowels*
* we included all 5 vowels to ensure each one is properly counted.

Choosing tests for is_palindrome

def is_palindrome(s):
    """ (str) -> bool

    Return True if and only if s is a palindrome.

    >>> is_palindrome('noon')
    >>> is_palindrome('racecar')
    >>> is_palindrome('dented')

Because the function returns a Boolean value, we need at least 2 test cases: one that returns True and one that returns False. In this case, we actually need quite a few more than 2 test cases.

As for the previous example, we need to choose different values for the string argument that represent different categories of strings.


When we developed the code for is_palindrome(), we found that whether a string was even or odd affected the code. Therefore, the tests should consider strings that have even and odd lengths. For this example, we'll consider strings that have these lengths:

The test cases are summarized in this table:

s Expected Value Description
'' True empty string
'a' True single character
'aa' True 2 chars, palindrome
'ab' False 2 chars, not palindrome
'aba' True 3 chars, palindrome
'abc' False 3 chars, not palindrome
'redder' True longer, even, palindrome
'renter' False longer, even, not palindrome
'racecar' True longer, odd, palindrome
'banana' False longer, odd, not palindrome

General Tips

When choosing test cases, consider the following factors:

There is often overlap between the categories, so one test case may fall into more than 1 category.