Wikipedia part III is due tomorrow, see Your submission will contain your Wikipedia userid and (optionally) any explanation your TA needs (e.g. you had to change articles). We will verify that you are registered as a wikipedia user at: Here is the marking scheme: 1. Made a contribution to Wikipedia content 3 marks Be generous, since even small changes that meet Wikipedia guidelines require time. As a rough guide, an extensive revision of an article (merging, splitting, rewriting a paragraph or more) is sufficient work. Fixing format, grammar, or spelling on 3 (or so) articles is sufficient. Original illustrations are equivalent to original prose, and finding illustrations along with their copyright status is non-trivial work --- half-a-dozen of these is probably enough work. To reiterate: the fact that a student's contribution was deleted is not held against them. There are plenty of polemics on Wikipedia. 2. Engaged the Wikipedia community 2 marks A serious attempt to engage the Wikipedia community or else a good explanation of why this wasn't possible. -- Danny Heap BA4270 416-978-5899