CSC 104 2007S// The why and how of computing



Welcome to the Summer 2007 term of CSC 104, The why and how of computing. This course provides an introduction to computing to non-Computer-Science undergraduates. Here's how to explore the course further:

  • Check for your CDF userid at CDF userid look-up. In order to log in the first time, you must visit one of the CDF labs (e.g. BA2210), log in at a CDF terminal with your CDF userid (your student number will be your password). You will then be prompted for a password to replace your student number. If all goes well, your account is set up, and you can ask the CDF TA about connecting from remote machines. Questions? Email
  • Much of the communication in this course will be conducted through our course wiki. Use your CDF userid to log in, with your student number as password. For a few weeks you may log in as newcomer with password let_me_in. You may change to a more secure password by submitting a request to me in writing.
  • Course information sheet
  • Course calendar.
  • On-line CDF student services (marks, assignment submission, etc.)