2 Aggregation and Grouping

Diane Horton

Computing on a column

So far, we’ve learned how to choose the rows and columns we want, and to compute things on individual cell values. We often want to compute something across all the values in a column. For example, we might wish to know the total of a column of sales figures.

SQL provides functions, such as sum, avg, min, max and count, that can be used in a SELECT clause to apply to a column. We call this aggregation. (My dictionary tells me that aggregation comes from root words meaning “towards” and “flock”, so when you aggregate, you can imagine that you are herding your data.)

Here is an example showing the basics of aggregation.

    -- First we use aggregation to get the average of all the grades in the Took
    -- table.  Notice that the result has just one tuple, because there is
    -- just one average:
    csc343h-prof=> SELECT avg(grade)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took;
    (1 row)

    -- Notice also that SQL invented a name for this column: the name of the 
    -- aggregation function.  If we do some fancier calculation, it uses the
    -- column name "?column?":
    csc343h-prof=> SELECT max(grade) - min(grade)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took;

    -- Let's give that column a better name:
    csc343h-prof=> SELECT max(grade) - min(grade) AS range
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took;
    (1 row)

    -- count(grade) counts the number of values in the grade column.
    csc343h-prof=> SELECT count(grade)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took;
    (1 row)

    -- If we give count a wildcard instead of a specific column name, we get
    -- the number of rows in the table.
    csc343h-prof=> SELECT count(*)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took;
    (1 row)

count(grade) and count(*) give the same result here: there are as many values in the grade column as there are rows in the table. We will learn soon that SQL allows empty cells, and in that case, count(grade) – or counting any other column – and count(*) could report different values.

When duplicates contribute

Duplicate values contribute to aggregations. For example, if the grade 87 occurs 12 times in the table, all 12 contribute to avg(grade), as well as to count(grade) and all the other aggregations we can compute. Of course these duplicates make no difference to max(grade) – 87 either is or is not the maximum; the same holds for min(grade).

Including duplicate values makes sense when we average a column of grades, but it is not always what we want. For example, suppose we used the Offering table to find out how many departments there are (CSC, ENV, etc.):

    csc343h-prof=> SELECT count(dept)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Offering;
    (1 row)

Every occurence of “CSC” contributed to the count, as did every occurrence of “HIS”, and so on. We couldn’t get the answer we wanted. But if we put the keyword DISTINCT inside the call to count, each different value contributes only once.

    csc343h-prof=> SELECT count(DISTINCT dept)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Offering;
    (1 row)

DISTINCT can also be used with the other aggregation functions. It does not affect min or max, of course, but does affect sum and avg.

Including multiple aggregations

We can include more than one aggregation in a query. For example:

    csc343h-prof=> SELECT max(grade), min(grade), count(distinct oid), count(*)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took;
     max | min | count | count 
     100 |   0 |    23 |    54
    (1 row)

It doesn’t matter that the aggregations don’t all pertain to the same column, and one isn’t even about a single column. It does matter that we are dealing with like quantities: a single max(grade), a single min(grade), and so on. This allows SQL to produce a structurally sound table for our result.

Consider this:

    csc343h-prof=> SELECT sid, avg(grade)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took;
    ERROR:  column "Took.sid" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
    LINE 1: SELECT sid, avg(grade) FROM Took;

Here we are combining sid (of which there are many) with avg(grade) (of which there is one). That doesn’t produce a structurally sound table, which is why we get an error. The error message itself will make sense once we understand grouping.


Suppose we are interested in getting a sense of each student’s overall grades. We might sort the Took table to get a look:

    csc343h-prof=> SELECT sid, grade
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took
    csc343h-prof-> ORDER BY sid;

      sid  | grade 
       157 |    99
       157 |    82
       157 |    59
       157 |    72
       157 |    89
       157 |    39
       157 |    90
       157 |    98
       157 |    59
       157 |    71
       157 |    71
       157 |    91
       157 |    82
       157 |    62
       157 |    75
     11111 |    40
     11111 |     0
     11111 |    17
     11111 |    46
     11111 |    45
     98000 |    82
     98000 |    89
     98000 |    72
     . . . etc.

We might then like to know each student’s average. A sensible table can be formed from pairs of an sid and an average grade. Let’s see how to get that.

If we follow a SELECT-FROM-WHERE expression with GROUP BY the tuples that have the same value for that attribute will be treated as a group, and one row will be generated for each group. For example, if we GROUP BY sid, all tuples about sid 157 will be collapsed down and represented as one row in the result, and the same for sid 11111 and all the others.

Let’s try that. In other words, let’s change the ORDER BY to GROUP BY:

    csc343h-prof=> SELECT sid, grade
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took
    csc343h-prof-> GROUP BY sid;
    ERROR:  column "Took.grade" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
    LINE 1: SELECT sid, grade

What went wrong? We asked for one row per sid, and we want it to include sid and grade. There is one sid per sid (of course!), but there are potentially many grades per sid. This doesn’t allow SQL to make a structurally sound, rectangular, table to hold the results. But if we ask for the average grade per student, there will be exactly one per student, and the query will make sense:

    csc343h-prof=> SELECT sid, avg(grade)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took
    csc343h-prof-> GROUP BY sid;
      sid  |         avg         
     11111 | 29.6000000000000000
     98000 | 83.2000000000000000
     99132 | 76.2857142857142857
     99999 | 84.5833333333333333
       157 | 75.9333333333333333
    (5 rows)

    -- We can order this table too.  Here's one order.
    csc343h-prof=> SELECT sid, avg(grade)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took GROUP BY sid
    csc343h-prof-> ORDER BY sid;
      sid  |         avg         
       157 | 75.9333333333333333
     11111 | 29.6000000000000000
     98000 | 83.2000000000000000
     99132 | 76.2857142857142857
     99999 | 84.5833333333333333
    (5 rows)

    -- Here we order by the aggregated column.
    csc343h-prof=> SELECT sid, avg(grade)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took
    csc343h-prof-> GROUP BY sid
    csc343h-prof-> ORDER BY avg(grade);
      sid  |         avg         
     11111 | 29.6000000000000000
       157 | 75.9333333333333333
     99132 | 76.2857142857142857
     98000 | 83.2000000000000000
     99999 | 84.5833333333333333
    (5 rows)

We can even order by something not in the SELECT clause. Here’s a query that tries to do this, but breaks:

    csc343h-prof=> SELECT sid, avg(grade)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took
    csc343h-prof-> GROUP BY sid
    csc343h-prof-> ORDER BY oid;
    ERROR:  column "Took.oid" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
    LINE 2: ORDER BY oid;

The problem is not that oid doesn’t appear in the SELECT clause. The problem is that we grouped according to sid, so every group has one sid but it doesn’t necessarily have one oid. How could we order the groups according to oid when a group may have more than one oid?

In contrast, this query works because there is exactly one count(oid) per group:

    csc343h-prof=> SELECT sid, avg(grade)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took
    csc343h-prof-> GROUP BY sid
    csc343h-prof-> ORDER BY count(oid);
      sid  |         avg         
     11111 | 29.6000000000000000
     99132 | 76.2857142857142857
     99999 | 84.5833333333333333
     98000 | 83.2000000000000000
       157 | 75.9333333333333333
    (5 rows)

Let’s add count(oid) to the SELECT clause so that we can observe that the order is correct:

    csc343h-prof=> SELECT sid, avg(grade), count(oid)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Took
    csc343h-prof-> GROUP BY sid
    csc343h-prof-> ORDER BY count(oid);
      sid  |         avg         | count 
     11111 | 29.6000000000000000 |     5
     99132 | 76.2857142857142857 |     7
     99999 | 84.5833333333333333 |    12
     98000 | 83.2000000000000000 |    15
       157 | 75.9333333333333333 |    15
    (5 rows)

Grouping by multiple columns

We can group by multiple columns. Again, let’s start out with ORDER BY, as it is a good warm-up to GROUP BY.

    -- Order by 1 attribute.
    -- All ANT rows come together, then all CSC rows, and so on.
    csc343h-prof=> SELECT *
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Offering
    csc343h-prof-> ORDER BY dept;
     oid | cnum | dept | term  | instructor 
      11 |  200 | ANT  | 20089 | Zorich
      12 |  203 | ANT  | 20089 | Davies
      31 |  203 | ANT  | 20081 | Zorich
       4 |  320 | CSC  | 20089 | Jepson
       5 |  207 | CSC  | 20089 | Craig
       6 |  207 | CSC  | 20089 | Gries
       7 |  148 | CSC  | 20089 | Jepson
       8 |  148 | CSC  | 20089 | Chechik

    -- Order by 2 attributes.
    -- This result is the same, except that when there is a tie by dept,
    -- the rows for that dept are in ORDER BY cnum.
    csc343h-prof=> SELECT *
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Offering
    csc343h-prof-> ORDER BY dept, cnum;
     oid | cnum | dept | term  | instructor 
      11 |  200 | ANT  | 20089 | Zorich
      31 |  203 | ANT  | 20081 | Zorich
      12 |  203 | ANT  | 20089 | Davies
       7 |  148 | CSC  | 20089 | Jepson
      27 |  148 | CSC  | 20081 | Jepson
       8 |  148 | CSC  | 20089 | Chechik
      28 |  148 | CSC  | 20081 | Miller
      25 |  207 | CSC  | 20081 | Craig

Now let’s try grouping by the same two attributes. This won’t work:

    csc343h-prof=> SELECT *
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Offering
    csc343h-prof-> GROUP BY dept, cnum;
    ERROR:  column "Offering.oid" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
    LINE 1: SELECT * FROM Offering GROUP BY dept, cnum;

By saying “GROUP BY dept, cnum”, we asked for one row per dept-cnum combination, such as ENV-200. But we also asked to include columns oid, term, and instructor. Yet we can’t expect a dept-cnum combination to have just one oid, term, and instructor, so the query doesn’t make sense. If we were to aggregate those columns by dept and cnum, there would be just one value per dept-cnum combination. For example, here we ask for count(cnum) rather than cnum itself, so the query makes perfect sense:

    csc343h-prof=> SELECT dept, cnum, count(cnum) 
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Offering
    csc343h-prof-> GROUP BY dept, cnum;
     dept | cnum | count 
     ENV  |  200 |     1
     ENG  |  235 |     2
     CSC  |  207 |     4
     EEB  |  216 |     1
     EEB  |  263 |     2
     HIS  |  296 |     1
     CSC  |  343 |     5
     HIS  |  220 |     2
     CSC  |  263 |     3
     ENG  |  205 |     2
     EEB  |  150 |     1
     ANT  |  203 |     2
     CSC  |  320 |     2
     CSC  |  148 |     4
     ENG  |  110 |     2
     ENV  |  320 |     1
     ANT  |  200 |     1
    (17 rows)

If we wish to order the results of our query, the ORDER BY clause comes after the GROUP BY clause:

    csc343h-prof=> SELECT dept, cnum, count(cnum)
    csc343h-prof-> FROM Offering
    csc343h-prof-> GROUP BY dept, cnum
    csc343h-prof-> ORDER BY dept;
     dept | cnum | count 
     ANT  |  200 |     1
     ANT  |  203 |     2
     CSC  |  148 |     4
     CSC  |  207 |     4
     CSC  |  263 |     3
     CSC  |  320 |     2
     CSC  |  343 |     5
     EEB  |  150 |     1
     EEB  |  216 |     1
     EEB  |  263 |     2
     ENG  |  110 |     2
     ENG  |  205 |     2
     ENG  |  235 |     2
     ENV  |  200 |     1
     ENV  |  320 |     1
     HIS  |  220 |     2
     HIS  |  296 |     1
    (17 rows)

Restrictions on aggregation

We’ve seen some restrictions on what is allowed when we aggregate. These all have to do with ensuring the result is putting together like quantities, such as one sid with one average grade and one maximum grade, or one department and course number combination with the count of offerings of that course. To summarize the rules, if any aggregation is used in a query, then each element of the SELECT list must be either:

You may notice occassionally that you are able to slightly break this rule. For instance, postgreSQL will permit the following:

csc343h-dianeh=> SELECT sid, firstname, surname      
csc343h-dianeh-> FROM Student
csc343h-dianeh-> GROUP BY sid;
  sid  | firstname |  surname   
 98000 | William   | Fairgrieve
 99132 | Avery     | Marchmount
 99999 | Afsaneh   | Ali
   157 | Leilani   | Lakemeyer
 11111 | Homer     | Simpson
(5 rows)

Columns firstname and surname are neither aggregated nor in the GROUP BY, but this query still makes sense because each sid has exactly one value for firstname and for surnamesid is a primary key, after all. However, the query below doesn’t work because a single surname can occur in multiple rows, and thus be associated with multiple values for sid, firstname, and surname.

csc343h-dianeh=> SELECT sid, firstname, surname
csc343h-dianeh-> FROM Student
csc343h-dianeh-> GROUP BY surname;
ERROR:  column "student.sid" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
LINE 1: SELECT sid, firstname, surname