
TA office hours

Tests, exam

Topic videos
Some course notes
Extra problems
Lecture recordings

Discussion board

Grades so far

How CSC 209 works

CSC 209 is being taught as a partially-inverted class.

The Tuesday classes will begin at 18:10 in BA 1170, which is a lecture theatre. Some time between 19:00 and 20:00 (the transition time will vary from week to week), we will all go up to the computer labs to work on problems. About half the class will be able to use a computer in the labs, and hopefully at least half of the class can bring a laptop. If you are running unix or linux (including Mac OS), then to some extent you can do the problems directly on your laptop. But you will also want to log in to the lab computers over the network (see remote-login information at

There are also weekly labs, and weekly tutorials. There are exercises to be submitted based on the labs; these exercises also relate to the videos and to the lectures. Attendance at the tutorial is required to get the point for that week's lab.

I have office hours Tuesdays at 17:00, and virtually 11:30 on Fridays. If you can't make that, e-mail me for an appointment to meet some other time.

Or maybe I can answer your questions by e-mail. I am usually very responsive by e-mail, which often works better than office hours, especially since you can include code in your e-mail message. Don't be afraid to copy and paste in a couple hundred lines of code — save yourself the time excerpting the parts which you think are relevant, and save me the need to try to guess what the rest of your file says if I'm not sure that you're right about which parts were relevant.

The course schedule is at