Remote login to ECF

If you have internet access at home, you can log in to your ECF account and work from home. Unfortunately, I probably can't give you any assistance with this other than the following advice, although you're welcome to ask (if you're a student in one of my courses -- I can't undertake to answer such questions from everyone who might happen upon this web page).

There is a remote login protocol called "ssh" which is supported by all the ECF computers. That is, the ECF computers run the "server"; what you need for home is the "client" software, which is the other side of a "server-client" connection over the internet. (Similarly, your web browser is a "client" and it connects to a "web server" over the internet.)

Possible client software (all freely distributable) is:

You should try to run applications such as web browsers on the machine you are physically at; e.g. start netscape before doing a network login to a(nother) ECF host (or make sure that when you start it later, you are running it on the local machine, not on the remote machine).

On the other hand, you may be able to work on your programs using a C compiler at home. Some of the issues here are:

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