CSC 180: that 1997 midterm

Some people were asking about the questions on the old midterm at

Question 1 is about stuff we haven't done yet.

Questions 2, 3, and 4 you should be able to do.

You should be able to rewrite question 5 using a 'while' loop instead of a 'for' loop. This may have been what he had in mind. There are many possibilities, but I wouldn't expect them to come to your mind, because we haven't talked about this sort of thing much.

Question 6 you could probably do to some extent, but not on a midterm, not yet. This 1997 midterm is from a few weeks later in the course (note its date). We're still in the middle of strings to some extent.

The 1997 exam at might be of interest, although some of the questions are about stuff we haven't covered yet. Questions 2 through 5 are questions you should be able to do, although many of them would be too hard for a midterm at this point. But they're probably good exercises.

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