CSC 104 exam information

Further office hours

My regular office hours are now over (as classes are over).

There are lots of TA lab hours leading up to the final exam.

If you'd like to make an appointment to see me, please contact me well in advance because I'll be out of town before the exam (dates announced in class, or please ask by e-mail).

The exam

The exam covers everything in the assignments, and most of the material in lectures. If you've missed some lectures, meet someone else in the class and get copies of their notes. It is "cumulative". The format is much like the tests, but longer (3 hours). Like the tests, the exam is written on paper, and there are no computers in the exam room.

Two previous CSC 104 exams of mine, with solutions, are posted at

No aids are allowed. However, you should not have to memorize any tables of stuff. If you're not clear on whether or not you have to memorize something, ask in e-mail; my usual answer will be "if you asked me that question during the exam, I would tell you the answer".

NOTE that the "no aids allowed" rule will be enforced strictly by the A&S staff. If you take out a calculator or mobile phone, you will be summoned to the Dean's office for an academic offence hearing. Please be careful. The same goes for any communicating with other students during the exam, even if it's not about course material!

Please see coverage.html for a table listing what course material is and is not within the scope of the exam, and for an index into a sample problem or two for each subtopic (mostly taken from the above exams). I've also written an modified course outline including notes on exam coverage and more about kinds of exam problems. Obviously a three-hour exam can't be comprehensive over this range of material -- this is a list of what is potentially covered by the exam.

BRING YOUR STUDENT PHOTO ID CARD. You will have to put it face up on your desk.

Exam timetable
You are REQUIRED to write in the correct room based on your surname.

There will be assigned seating, like in the tests, with a few differences. Most of all, you will not sign the exam itself, but we will come around with a signature list as is usually done for final exams. (There isn't time to do this effectively during a 45-minute test.)

Please look up your seating assignment in the netgrade system.

[main course page]