Missed test procedure

You are required to write the term tests and final exam at the assigned times and places, unless there are exceptional circumstances which prevent this.

1. Term tests

If you miss a term test for a medical or similar reason, to avoid having a zero recorded as your grade for that test you need to give appropriate documentation to me.

Appropriate documentation for medical circumstances consists of either the "U of T Medical Certificate", completed and signed by a registered doctor and bearing their CPSO number; or the "U of T Health Service Form" if you went to the U of T clinic. Note that the information we are seeking is the doctor's opinion that you were unable to attend school on the day of the test; thus a medical certificate signed by a doctor is required even if you took care of your problem through other means.

You can discuss what the appropriate documentation for non-medical circumstances might be with me or with your college registrar's office staff. Any letter to me about exceptional circumstances must include the dated signature of the person attesting to the exceptional circumstances (i.e. sign and date the letter).

2. Final exam

If you miss the final exam for any reason, I can't help you with that and you need to follow the Arts & Science petition procedure. I suggest that you begin by contacting your college registrar's office.

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